Here are the 10 Benefits of Eating Mushrooms

By Eunice Atuhire

Mushrooms contain many essential nutrients and support a wide range of bodily functions.

  1. They help keep you fit and healthy.
  2. Mushrooms help maintain strong bones. They contain provitamin D that is converted into vitamin D when skin is exposed to sun light, this vitamin is essential for healthy bones.
  3. Mushrooms enhance your energy levels. They contain many B vitamins that are essential for the metabolism, and help release energy from carbohydrates
  4. Mushrooms are immunity boosters. They are bursting with phytonutrients that are important for a good immune system.
  5. They help you keep your weight in balance. Replace some of your red meat intake with mushrooms and watch the weight fly off!
  6. They are low in calories, but rich in fibers, vitamin and minerals. Mushrooms contain high level of vitamin B2 and B3.
  7. Vitamin B2 is needed to maintain a healthy skin. They contain folic acid required to provide healthy new cells for blood and growth.
  8. Phosphorous is a major component in strong bones and teeth and plays a role in energy metabolism.
  9. Mushrooms are good for you as and contain concentration of all valuable vitamins and minerals.
  10. Potassium is important in controlling blood pressure and for the functioning of muscles and nerves.
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